《方舟:生存进化》畸变dlc李美盈全笔记内容汇总 畸变笔记一览(14)
导语:导语:21 I have turned into something of a stable master. The others are still unused to the presence of so many beasts, and have to be taught how to care for them. It is a lot of work, but I do not
导语:21 I have turned into something of a stable master. The others are still unused to the presence of so many beasts, and have to be taught how to care for them. It is a lot of work, but I do not mind.
I have turned into something of a stable master. The others are still unused to the presence of so many beasts, and have to be taught how to care for them. It is a lot of work, but I do not mind. It has been comforting to be around so many beasts again.I have also taught them some lessons in close quarters combat. While their weapons are powerful, most of these people are not warriors. They have not tasted war. Juzi claims she was a soldier, but that she fought by flying metal ships through the clouds. She says she will show me how if we ever escape these caves. I doubt it, but it is nice to imagine.
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