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编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2015-10-16 15:46 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:[Fixed] various Out of Sync issues so they will not occur as often anymore. However there are still some scenario`s were an Out of Sync may occur and providing us game logs for this issue is a massiv

  [Fixed] various Out of Sync issues so they will not occur as often anymore. However there are still some scenario`s were an Out of Sync may occur and providing us game logs for this issue is a massive help. As a side note if you do Out of Sync in a multiplayer match the save data will not be corrupt therefore you can re make the game and carry on where you left off for a quick work around.


  [Fixed] a bug related to joining a game lobby.


  [Fixed] several out of sync issues in Multiplayer Games.


  when interacting with a Dangerous Cave in sim turns.

  同步回合下进入Dangerous Cave时有问题

  when attacking an Enemy in Combat that has 3 Nature`s Revenge stacks with a ranged unit.

  用远程单位攻击具有三个Nature`s Revenge标记的敌人时会有问题

  when attacking a small creature Stack with a Basilisk Lancer in combat.

  用Basilisk Lancer攻击小体型生物时会有问题

  when a unit with a cover bonus is getting attacked by ranged in combat.


  [Fixed] corrupted Camera at the beginning of a Multiplayer Duel Session.


  [Fixed] an issue where the game got stuck in multiplayer in the AIs turn sometimes.


  [Fixed] an issue where the game goes out of sync during th AIs turn sometimes.


  [Fixed] [Normal Turn] Host gets a week popup notification screen at the start of the match in any map which he cannot cancel if the match is played in Normal turn setting


  [Fixed] Team chat option does not exist


  [Fixed] [Online/LAN] The damage dealt logs during the masked combat are visible on the spectator screen when the game is switched to Window mode


  对决模式 - Duel mode:

  [Fixed] Option to change combat speed is not available in duel lobby


  [Fixed] The user can see through the map before the tactics phase


  UI - GUI / HUD

  UI - GUI / HUD



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