导语:To play The Phantom Pain with the blocky Solid Snake character model from the original MGS, import a Ground Zeroes save in which you ve finished the D j Vu mission with every moment recreated and eve
To play The Phantom Pain with the blocky Solid Snake character model from the original MGS, import a Ground Zeroes save in which you ve finished the D j Vu mission with every moment recreated and every quiz question answered correctly. It costs 100,000 GMP to develop and silences your footsteps when you move.
Magazine KO
In reflex mode, equip an empty magazine and throw it at the alerted enemy's head. If your throw is accurate you'll hear a satisfying TING sound and he'll be instantly knocked out. Another good use for magazines is if a guard is closing in on you, throw one behind him to make him turn around.
You'll find posters occasionally that can be picked up. These will earn you a small amount of GMP, but they have another use. While holding the inventory open with a cardboard box selected, press the indicated button (X on an Xbox controller) to cycle between the posters you've collected and attach them to it. For example, stick a poster of a saluting guard to your box and stand up, and from a distance a confused enemy will salute back, thinking it's one of his comrades.
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