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编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2015-09-06 16:49 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:合金装备5:幻痛大地图快速旅行隐藏玩法攻略, 作为潜行谍战类游戏的鼻祖,《合金装备5:幻痛》以架空背景下的全球冷战为题材,且采用开放世界设定,玩家可以自由选择潜入的路径、攻略的方式和脱逃的路线,...



  审问主基地的人可以知道宝石位置,都是M基佬,有时候还会来句 “boss 用劲点”




  Recruit Hideo Kojima

  After completing the Intel Operative Rescue mission in Ground Zeroes, import your save and a soldier named Hideo will volunteer for Mother Base. This will happen randomly after completing a mission. He has an S rating for intel and an A+ rating for R&D. Any other POWs or special soldiers you extracted will volunteer too.


  Bring up the iDroid map, then press the action button (Y on an Xbox controller) and it ll shrink to the bottom-right corner of the screen. You can then move, either on foot, on D-Horse, or in a vehicle, and the mini-map will stay on the screen. This is ideal for exploring, quickly planning an escape route, or gathering plants.

  Custom music

  You can import your own tunes into The Phantom Pain on PC. In the game directory, look for the CustomSoundtrack folder. Any audio files you drop in here will appear in your iDroid s cassette tapes menu, and can even be set as your chopper music.

  Cardboard box slide

  Equip any cardboard box, then press the stance button to stand up. Sprint towards a downwards slope—the steeper the better—and if you hit the dive button you ll slide down it. This works especially well on the sand dunes in Afghanistan.

  Recruit an interpreter

  One of the first side ops that unlocks is Extract Interpreter (Russian) and you should make it a top priority. Recruiting this soldier will allow you to interrogate captured Soviet guards and listen in on their conversations. Grabbing enemies and squeezing them for information is vital: they ll mark nearby comrades with high stats on your map, the locations of R&D blueprints, and reveal other useful intel.

  Easy mine-clearing

  There are a few mine-clearing side ops, which involve scouring a location for mines and detonating them. But if you want to save yourself the hassle, simply call in an airstrike in the centre of the marked mission area to destroy them all instantly.

  Instantly return to the ACC

  Don t bother calling in Pequod when you finish a mission and want to return to your aerial base. This takes time and costs GMP. Instead, bring up the pause menu and select return to ACC and you ll be transported there immediately.

  Secret cutscene

  When you ve unlocked the medical platform for Mother Base and completed a side op that asks you to recover a wandering MSF soldier, head there and look for a door that automatically opens when you get close to it—on one of the top floors. We ll say no more, but it s something you should definitely see if you played Ground Zeroes.

  Cassette tapes

  You ll collect a LOT of cassette tapes as you play The Phantom Pain, which can be listened to using the iDroid—and you really should. The bulk of the game s story is found on them, and they give important context to your actions, settings, and characters. They re the equivalent of the codec conversations from previous games in the series, but are entirely optional.

  Rough diamonds

  You ll often see the telltale sparkle of a rough diamond as you explore. Always take the time to grab them, because while some are only worth around 10,000 GMP, some can net you a cool 100,000. There are dozens of rough diamonds scattered around Mother Base too, often in hidden or hard-to-reach areas. Sometimes your staff will reveal the locations of diamonds if you grab and interrogate them.

  Save ammo

  Sneak up behind a guard with your weapon drawn and you ll hold them up. Bring up the interaction menu (left bumper on an Xbox controller) and some options will appear. Select get down and he ll lie on his belly and stay there permanently—unless another guard sees him or you trigger an alert phase. This is a good way to quietly incapacitate an enemy without wasting any of your precious tranquilizer rounds.

  Fast travel

  In most bases, camps, villages, etc. you ll see a yellow triangular sign with a delivery manifest attached to it that you can pick up. Equip your box and wait in the space next to the sign and you ll be delivered to any other point on the map whose manifest you ve collected. It s one of the quickest ways to get around the game s huge maps.

  Tactical turds

  Use D-Horse in missions and your bond with him will grow over time. When it reaches a certain level you ll unlock the Do it (defecate) command, which is self explanatory. It s not just for a cheap laugh, though: if an enemy vehicle drives over the stinky mess, they ll spin out and be knocked unconscious. Perfect for ambushes.

  Marking enemies

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