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编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2015-09-06 16:49 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:Any enemies you mark with the binoculars will stay marked if you die or restart from a checkpoint. Upgrade them and you ll be able to scan enemy soldiers and see their stats before you decide if it s

  Any enemies you mark with the binoculars will stay marked if you die or restart from a checkpoint. Upgrade them and you ll be able to scan enemy soldiers and see their stats before you decide if it s worth recruiting them for your Mother Base.

  Birthday surprise

  Early in the game you re asked to enter your name and date of birth. If you play The Phantom Pain on the date you entered, something special will happen. It s too good to spoil, but if your birthday s ages away and you can t wait, here s a video.

  Photo gallery

  When you re in the helicopter you ll notice photos pinned to the walls. These are mementos of important events, and more will appear as time goes on. To get a closer look, press the binoculars button to switch to first-person.

  Supply drops

  If you re low on ammo or Fulton balloons, or your suppressor has worn out, use the iDroid to call in a supply drop. It s at the top of the Missions menu. Choose a drop point and a few seconds later a box will arrive with ammo for all your guns, fresh suppressors, and extra Fultons. This costs GMP, but not enough that it s ever a problem. If you drop a supply box directly onto an enemy s head, it ll knock them out.

  Chicken hat

  In the Game Settings menu you ll see an on/off toggle for a chicken hat. Enabling this lets you equip said poultry-themed headgear on the sortie prep screen, which makes you much harder to see, and in turn makes the game laughably easy. The catch—besides looking daft and stripping all the fun away—is never being able to get a mission rating higher than an A. But, hey, the option s there if you want it.

  Disrupt communications

  Look for blue lights in enemy bases. These are almost always attached to something you can destroy or deactivate to make your life easier. Disable power generators to turn off lights and security cameras; destroy anti-air radar dishes to create a safe landing zone for your chopper; or destroy a radio to stop the enemy calling for backup.

  Phantom cigar

  Before you use the phantom cigar to advance time, make sure you re hidden away somewhere safe. If you re on a road or near an outpost you ll probably emerge from your cigar-induced trance with soldiers pointing their guns at you.

  Diamond Dog

  At some point during your time in Afghanistan you ll hear a puppy whining. For me it was at the beginning of the Extract Interpreter (Russian) side op, but it might be a different one for you. There seems to be a random element to it. Find him and Fulton him immediately. He ll grow up to become one of the game s best buddy characters. Extract him as soon as you hear him, because you won t get another chance.

  Take a shower

  As you complete missions consecutively, Snake will get covered in blood and dirt. Eventually flies will start buzzing around his head. This reduces his mental well-being and shortens the length of your reflex ability. To wash the grime away, look for a portable shower on Mother Base. Every platform has one.

  Sell your resources

  If you re short on GMP you can sell stuff to make a bit of extra money. This includes medicinal plants gathered in the field, resources you ve collected (fuel, metal, etc.), and any enemy hardware you ve extracted with the Fulton.

  Free roam

  On the Missions menu in the iDroid, flip along to the next tab and you ll be given the option to enter one of the game s mission areas, or Mother Base, without needing to start a mission. This is free roam mode, which gives you a chance to explore, gather resources, capture outposts, and complete side ops.

  Combat unit

  When you unlock the combat unit, which will happen at some point as you play through story missions, you can take staff assigned there on side ops instead of Snake. On the sortie prep screen, look for the Select Character option. Click on Character and a list of all the soldiers in your combat unit will appear. Taking staff on missions increases their stats, so it s worth doing to beef up your Mother Base.

  Water pistol

  One of the weapons your Mother Base can develop is a water pistol. As in, a toy gun that shoots water. Sounds pretty useless, right? Well, try squirting it on those communications devices with the blue lights we talked about earlier and get back to us. It has some other uses too, but we ll let you discover those for yourself.

  Catch a bear

  It ll take a while, but it s entirely possible to take out a bear with the Wu pistol. Wait for the beast to rush you, then dive out of the way at the last minute and get a few shots into its head. Repeat this and it ll eventually keel over and fall asleep, letting you attach a Fulton and extract it—providing you have the Cargo +1 upgrade.

  Retro Snake

健康游戏忠告 抵制不良游戏,拒绝盗版游戏,注意自我保护,谨防上当受骗 适度游戏益脑,沉迷游戏伤身,合理安排时间,享受健康生活

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