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《看门狗2》1.05更新官网原文一览 多人服务器已开

编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2016-11-24 14:43 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:看门狗21.05更新官网原文一览 多人服务器已开, 《看门狗2》是一款由Ubisoft制作并发行的动作冒险游戏。 扮演年轻的聪明黑客马可仕.哈洛威(Marcus Holloway),来到技术革...

  《看门狗2》更新了1.05版本,具体有什么内容呢?今天小编要为大家带来的是“picnicker_tyou”分享的《看门狗2》1.05更新官网原文一览 多人服务器已开,感兴趣的玩家赶紧一起来看看吧!

《看门狗2》1.05更新官网原文一览 多人服务器已开

  We're happy to share the good news that we brought the first phase of seamless multiplayer online at 8:00 a.m. PST / 11:00 a.m. EST / 5 p.m. CET for Playstation 4, and we anticipate that seamless multiplayer for Xbox One will be activated by early afternoon PST / evening EST / night CET.

  This coincides with the release of Title Update 1.05, which also contains important crash fixes that improve stability. While the overall number of players affected by crashes isn't high, those who are crashing are experiencing the problem repeatedly.

  With seamless multiplayer reactivated, you'll be able to experience the following multiplayer features via the Multiplayer App:

  Invite friends to co-op or search for new co-op partners

  Hack into a rival hacker's world

  Find targets for Bounty Hunts or trigger a bounty

  We'll continue to monitor the online stability of the seamless multiplayer features and should everything continue to run smoothly, we'll activate the final phase of seamless multiplayer, unlocking the following additional multiplayer features: Bounty mode without the use of the app (will occur seamlessly in-world), and encountering other players in the world to complete co-op missions and DedSec events with.

  Thank you for your patience and support while we worked to implement the seamless multiplayer feature of the game. We will continue to provide periodic updates throughout this process. We're looking forward to seeing some cool gameplay content from you in these multiplayer modes, so don't forget to share!




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