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编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2016-07-05 01:17 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:If the boy is also a test subject, which is hinted at by the secret ending, then he is clearly more advanced than the other experiments he encounters. He even has audible reactions to the events arou

  If the boy is also a test subject, which is hinted at by the secret ending, then he is clearly more advanced than the other experiments he encounters. He even has audible reactions to the events around him, exhibiting shock and fear when confronted by enemies. This suggests that he is at least partially cognizant in regards to his surroundings and actions, unlike the other experiments that litter the factory which behave more like reanimated corpses than actual human beings. If the boy is an escaped test subject, as has been suggested, then it's curious as to why he'd want to return to the factory he has escaped from. This is where the second theory regarding Inside's secret ending comes into play - perhaps the boy is actually being controlled by the blob he becomes swallowed by later in the game.

  If this is the case, then this would suggest that the switch located in the vault buried beneath the cornfield doesn't disconnect the boy from the player, but rather from the blob. This would then explain why the boy is so keen to venture into the factory and sacrifice himself in order to rescue the blob, with him unplugging it from the cables holding it in place, before it promptly envelopes him and begins rampaging through the factory. With the boy seemingly being an advanced experiment, the blob only gains the ability to effectively escape from his underwater cage when he gains access to the boy's substantial "powers" by swallowing him. As such, the boy appears to merely be a catalyst for the blob's escape.





  It's set in the same universe as Limbo

  A major theory that is validated pretty early on in the game is that Inside is set in same universe as Limbo, Playdead's previous platformer. There are a few of reasons why this appears to be true, with the mind-control slugs that appear around the game's introductory sequences being chief among them. This time around these slugs don't latch themselves onto the player, but rather onto animals - specifically, pigs - with them leaving a slew of dead pig bodies behind. Now, their fondness for pigs rather than humans this time around is likely a result of them being manufactured by the factory for future experimentation upon humans, with pigs actually being used for human medical research in the real world. Given that pigs can carry and transmit the same parasites and diseases as humans, that they're so prominent in the early stages of the game is no coincidence.

  Then there are the gravitational puzzles, which utilize switches similar to Limbo in order to reverse the gravity of the world, with Inside predominantly using them to alter the direction of water. Finally, the supersonic machine that delivers insanely powerful explosions for no discernible reason in Inside is very similar technology to the rainmaker featured in Limbo, which used similar explosions to incite rainfall in an area. These three prominent similarities - and I'm sure plenty more will be discovered as more people play the game - have led to the suggestion that the factory workers in Inside are reverse engineering the technology featured in Limbo, but I'd wager that Inside instead takes place prior to the events of Limbo, given that the mind control slugs are evidently still in their prototype stage at that point, as evidenced by them latching onto pigs rather than humans.



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