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编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2016-06-30 23:52 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:方舟:生存进化新物种皇帝古神翼龙背景介绍, 《方舟:生存进化(Ark: Survival Evolved)》是一款开放世界的以恐龙为主题的游戏,游戏采用虚幻4引擎打造,画面出彩,题材独特。游戏中丰富的自然环境,攻...





  Wild: Tapejara Imperator is a marvel to watch in the wild. It has astonishing agility compared to the Island’s other flyers thanks in large part to the rudder-like fin that extends from its snout to the back of its skull.

  野生:皇帝古神翼龙(Tapejara Imperator)是一个在野外看到的奇迹般的物种。它比岛上其他的飞行生物更加具有惊人的灵活性,这很大程度上都要归功于它头骨上长有的一个巨大的,从鼻子一直延伸到头骨背面的舵状头冠。

  Domesticated: Warlike tribes appear to consider Tapejara the equivalent of a versatile rotor aircraft, capable of rapid positional changes and aggressive agility. When domesticated the Tapejara is typically outfitted with a unique dual-rider saddle, enabling a passenger to wield handheld weaponry while the pilot takes the reins. And when the Tapejara is latched onto a surface, both the passenger and pilot are able to make full use of their weapons together. Evidently what this skittering creature lacks in distance-stamina, constitution, and weight carrying capacity, it makes up for in maneuverability and combat versatility.


  Known Information: Initially, I’d thought the fin was simply composed of keratin, but closer inspection has led me to believe that it is actually some kind of sensory organ. Not only, does it decrease Tapejara’s turning radius even at high speeds, but it apparently provides Tapejara with extra information to help it fly through the air with unparalleled grace. I've even seen Tapejara hover and strafe side-to-side in the air without moving forward at all. It’s quite remarkable. The creature also makes effective use of razor-sharp claws to catch onto surfaces such as the trunks of tall trees, holding its position indefinitely.


  通配符机智的利用皇帝雷神翼龙(Tupandactylus imperator)还是古神翼龙属时候的学名Tapejara imperator,用已经废弃的物种重新成为自己游戏的物种,简直机智









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