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编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2015-10-29 20:08 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:[Improved] If you already fullfilled the Main Quest (captured the town), you can now load your savegame to finish the map (in the previous patch you still needed to end your turn once to take effect)

  [Improved] If you already fullfilled the Main Quest (captured the town), you can now load your savegame to finish the map (in the previous patch you still needed to end your turn once to take effect)


  [Fixed] A general issue was fixed that enabled player to access the closed "choosing areas" after loading a savegame


  索梅尔和伊弗里特的故事,The Story of Solmyr and the Efreet

  [Fixed] The Dragon Nexus is now reachable


  冰魔,Ice Demons


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