导语:8.Unconsciousness will hold until the their torpor reaches 0%. Torpor will decrease more quickly based on how high their max Torpor level is. Higher-level animals are naturally more difficult to keep
8.Unconsciousness will hold until the their torpor reaches 0%. Torpor will decrease more quickly based on how high their max Torpor level is. Higher-level animals are naturally more difficult to keep unconscious.
9.The taming effectiveness will slowly drop at a set rate regardless, so don't be discouraged. It's normal.
10.Shooting animals with a Tranquilizer Arrow will increase the torpor by over 100, almost 3x as much as a Narcotic provides
11.Narcotics were recently buffed to add 40 torpor. This makes them better than narcoberries in all cases, because Narcotics do not spoil. However herbivores will have a better taming effectiveness if you use narcoberries, as narcotics are made with meat. (Not confirmed, narcotics are made out of berries as well. One could argument that carnivores don't like narcotics either as it's made with berries as well.)
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