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编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2015-06-13 17:11 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:制作金属工具 现在你有金属锭了.是时候用他们做点有用的东西了.如果要加工金属锭.你需要一个铁匠铺. 25级才能学习铁匠铺.或者去撸基友吧 铁匠铺要5个铁锭做东西.留下一个用来修复它 铁匠铺一旦设立.就像捣药杵一样.







  Crafting with MetalNow that you have your Ingots, it is time to do something usefull with them. In order to craft any tools or weapons out of metal ingots, you will need a smithy workshop.

  In order to do this, you must either be level 25 and have learnt the smithy engram, or know someone in your tribe who has/is.

  The smithy workshop requires 5 metal ingots to make, leaving 1 single ingot left over to craft with.

  Once placed, the smithy workshop works exactly like the mortar and pestle workshop. The recipes of what can be made will be shown to you inside it. Only recipies you have learnt via the engram system will show up. Adding the correct ingredients inside the smithy will allow you to craft them.

  The tool we need to make now is the metal pick. This luckily for us requires just 1 metal ingot. Now you are ready to go and get your massive scale metal chunk farming going.




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