导语:Depending on how easy it is for players to farm underwater rocks, It may not be required for players to go atop the mountains anymore, however it should be noted that in the long term, the mountains
Depending on how easy it is for players to farm underwater rocks, It may not be required for players to go atop the mountains anymore, however it should be noted that in the long term, the mountains probably still have a larger number of metal class rocks, and most items using metal are very costly to use (see bullet specs).
Getting to the top of a mountain, and staying alive long enough to bring down some hard earned metal is also a challenge in of itself. In order to get there, you must traverse the lush rainforest biome areas of the map. This is where the vast majority of carnivore dinosaurs are spawned, hence your best chance to become dead. In order to get through, prepare stimberries or stimulants on your hotbar for running, take water to drink to counter your thirst, and take at least 5 spears per day cycle you plan on remaining on the mountain top (minimum 10 to be safe).
The rainforest biome is usually not particularly long in some areas between the beach and rocky biomes. This can allow some players to simply sprint right through to avoid fighting any predators. Avoid sprinting at all costs while traveling unless something is chasing you, this will prevent the loss of stamina you might need later.
Once you are getting closer to the right area, the ground will change colour from green to grey, the trees will decrease significantly in density, and you will have a sharp incline to climb up. The mountains I have climbed thus far all have pathways leading to their summit. They are quite distinctive as they have no significant obstacles preventing travel in a straight line, and they have less steep inclines, allowing your player to more easily traverse.
On your way you will see several possible dinosuars, the regular raptors you have probably seen before, which are probably the least dangerous. In addition, you will possibly see three other species, the mammoth, the sabre tooth cat, and a griffin like creature called Argentavis. The mammoth is harmless, and will not attack you unless provoked like many species. The Argentavis is hostile to players and is roughly as dangerous as a raptor, but usually works in packs. It has a wide field of vision, moves quite quickly through the air and can be in a pack of up to four (that I have seen). The sabre tooth cat is faster moving than a raptor, but is roughly as easy to kill. Spears are more than capable of handling all three (hence take spares).
At the summit you will need your bed (for obvious reasons), a chest to store your metal safely between sessions looking for rocks (again for safety), water in the form of berries (your skins will run dry quite easily unless you stay only a short time), a campfire (it is VERY cold, at temperatures as low as -12 while I was wearing full hide). In addition to this you will need to take spare food, thatch (for picks), wood (for fire, tools).
Your chances with each individual metal class rock is still quite low to find metal with a stone pick, but after just a little bit of success, you can speed things up amazingly. I found the pick gave better drops for metal than the axe, but this could purely be luck or my perception, as the chance is still quite low.
I reccommend getting 12 (14 to be safe) pieces of metal before climbing very carefully down the mountain to your base. 12 is the magic number of metal chunks needed in the refining stage of this guide
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