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编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2016-06-17 11:40 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:盐和避难所全剧情对话中英对照一览, 《盐和避难所》的战斗系统将非常富有深度,单手武器搭配盾或者副手弩多样组合,也可以双持重型武器,每种武器都有各自独特的动作设计,远程攻击也魔法,弓箭...



  The old-1(老头-1)

  “Well, hello there. You are just a fleshy bit of flotsam, washed ashore with the rest of us, hmm? You’ll want a shelter, you’ll want sanctuary. But what is a sanctuary without faith? There’s an empty sanctuary up the beach. You can claim it for your creed. Tell me: do you keep the new gods?” [-Yes]


  “Most men follow the three deities: The King, The Knight, and The Judge. The King lends wisdom to men who lead, The Knight protects warriors in combat, The Judge guides those who maintain order. Are you a follower of The Three, then?” [-No]



  “No? What was your creed, then?” [-The Iron Ones.]


  “Men from the mountains of the northern continent of Markdor are Iron Ones. They believe in no gods, believing instead in the iron will of man. They love steel, but hate magic. Are you a member of The Iron Ones, then?” [-Yes]


  “You’re a member of the Iron Ones, eh? No god will help you here. Accept this Metal Icon then.”


  “You survived a shipwreck, didn’t you? This island is full of shipwreck sailor like you. I stand here on the beach. I see men drown, I see men survive, but I never see rescue. PerhaPS this island is cursed. But weren’t you already thinking that?”


  “But have I seen a princess? Perhaps… perhaps. Why is a princess so important? Living or dead, we’re all the same flesh. Maybe I’m your princess, adorned in the skin of a decrepit old man! Heh heh heh. Well, go find your princess. You know what they say: ‘a quest goes a long way to keepin’ the madness at bay! ”


  “Sanctuary is simple, but salvation is not.”



  “Greeting, traveler. Do you have a quest?” [-Yes]


  “Rescuing a princess, mmm? I haven’t seen any princess, but don’t lose hope, friend. Anyway, it’s good to have a quest. Would you like to know what my quest is?” [-Yes]


  “Excellent! My quest is to invade that castle to the East, deFeat its guardians, and slay the dragon. Castles must be invaded and dragons must be slain, mustn’t they?”


  “Getting into this castle is a different story. There’s a bridge to it, but it missing bits.”


  “There’s another way in, but it’s not easy. I saw a passage beneath the fortress you just emerged from, perhaps it leads through to a village of sorts.”


  “There was a shortcut that connected the beach to the village, but it’s been barred. Perhaps you can unlock it?”


  “I’ve heard something about a jester. The jester knows a way to get to places no one else can?”


  “It’s easy to claim something. Until you can actually back your claims up, you’re just a rumormonger.”



  “Curiosity. What creature persists in the face of such suffocating despair? The others have begun to kneel. Will it join to them?” [-No]


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