导语:- I think the swing aspect will be particularly interesting for speedrunners. Runners Vision will show you clean, safe swing points but there are always more advanced and faster ways to get around. F
- I think the swing aspect will be particularly interesting for speedrunners. Runner’s Vision will show you clean, safe swing points but there are always more advanced and faster ways to get around. For example, early playtesters discovered a way to wall run, do a quick turn, leap out across a massive urban chasm, and just catch the edge of the activation area to swing across and cut huge distances off of a route. That adds a unique depth and a wider variety of traversal possibilities. It’s pretty risky though!
我觉得飞荡功能方面会成为速度跑者们的特别关注点。信使视角下,你可以清晰地看到安全的 飞荡点 但游戏中总是有更加高大上且快速的移动方法。举个例子,早期的游戏测试者们发现通过 墙跑,快速转身,跳过巨大的城区鸿沟来飞过一大段距离或找到路线中的捷径的 方法。正是这种探索增加了游戏中移动机会独特的深度和宽度,尽管相对会很冒险!
What do you want players to experience and feel when trying out the MAG Rope?
- I hope players will see the MAG Rope as a natural extension of Faith’s toolset. It’s not just a gadget you activate, it’s part of Faith herself and true to the traversal rules of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. There will many riveting moments for players using the MAG Rope. Leaping off a building during a run, hoping you haven’t jumped too early, only to have it catch just after a moment after you think it won’t – those vertigo moments are amazing.
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