《剑湾传奇》人物创建页面解析攻略 怎么创建人物(3)
导语:Dealers of death, an Assassins sole goal is to execute their targets as quickly and efficiently as possible. Assassin abilities focus on closing quickly with their prey, and striking with devastating
Dealers of death, an Assassin's sole goal is to execute their targets as quickly and efficiently as possible. Assassin abilities focus on closing quickly with their prey, and striking with devastating force. Many foes do not even see an assassin's blade until it is too late.
Some rogues enhance their fine-honed skills of stealth and agility with magic, learning tricks of enchantment and illusion. The abilities of an arcane trickster focus on distracting and confusing one's enemies, making them far more susceptible to their powerful melee attacks.
Two-Weapon Fighting, or dual wielding, employs the use of a weapon in each hand. This style of combat allows one to rain blows upon their enemies, riposting and whirling across the battlefield in a dizzying ballet of death.
Whether a grizzled veteran or a squire in training, most professions have some degree of martial training. Those who excel in the use of arms, armor and melee combat are a fearsome force to behold on the battlefield. Martial abilities focus on manipulating the battlefield by weakening one's enemies.
Masters of the bow and arrow or crossbow and bolt, a well-trained archer can often pick off their enemies long before they ever have a chance to reach them. The entire battlefield is an archer's target range, and they can call out targets to their allies, shoot down enemies one at a time, or even rain down arrows on multiple targets.
- 《剑湾传奇》大地图分享攻略 不再是路痴2015年09月20日
- 《剑湾传奇》种族背景解析攻略2015年09月20日
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