导语:伊士 兽人-魔法英雄-塑地祭师 Specialization: Master of Earth (Increases Magic by X when casting spells of the magic school of Earth.) 土系大师:英雄施放土系魔法时魔法(威力)属性按加X点计算。 The twins
Specialization: Master of Earth (Increases Magic by X when casting spells of the magic school of Earth.)
The twins Anga and Ishi share similar features but very different characters, Ishi being the wisest and most reserved of the two. She never acts on impulse and tries to act as a mediator to solve the conflicts regularly arising within the tribe. Since she has started walking the path of the Shaman, Ishi has developed a strong bond with Mother Earth, one of the guardian spirits of the Orcs. Because of it, she is sometimes known as the "Earth Daughter".
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