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编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2015-06-13 17:11 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:爪恐 豺狼人-力量英雄-酋长-H3中有出场 Gnoll Chieftain (Increases the production of Gnolls and Gnoll Hunters by X/week in the Area of Control.) 豺狼人酋长:在所处的控制区域内增加豺狼人和豺狼人猎手的周



  Gnoll Chieftain (Increases the production of Gnolls and Gnoll Hunters by X/week in the Area of Control.)



  Wizards often joke that when the mages of House Chimera were distributing qualities to their Beastmen creations, Gnolls were probably hiding somewhere. Drakon is the living proof it is not the case. Wily and charismatic, Drakon didn`t only prove to be a skilled warrior but also a reliable commander of armies. As a result, the other Gnolls are practically volunteering to fight for him.




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