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编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2016-10-25 16:40 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:文明6修改城邦数量方法解析攻略, 最早由传奇游戏设计大师席德梅尔创作出来的《文明》是一款回合制策略游戏,让玩家尝试建立起一个帝国,并接受时间的考验。玩家将创建及带领自己的文...



  go to your steam folder (Usually found under C: program files(x86)) followed by - steam apps - common - sid meier's civilization vi - base - assets - maps - utility - and find the file named " AssignStartingPlots"

  First: Back up the file. If you break it, it's not my fault. Always back up files before you change them.

  After the file is backed up, right click on the original and hit edit: Find the line that says:

  " self.iNumMinorCivs = PlayerManager.GetAliveMinorsCount(); " and change it to " self.iNumMinorCivs = 0; "

  This will set the number of city states to 0. If you want a few but less, change " 0 " to the number you want. Example: I have mine set at 8 on a huge map. Keeps them in-game but mostly out of the way This should let you set the number of city states to anything you want, assuming the number is less than normal. I have not tried setting it to more than default.

  NOTE: Make sure it's the line that says "MinorCivs" not "MajorCivs". Minor is the second one listed.

  FYI: Default city states is 1.5 times the default number of players. (On huge, default is 18 city states and 12 civs)

  简单说, base/assets/maps/utility/AssignStartingPlots.lua,


  " self.iNumMinorCivs = PlayerManager.GetAliveMinorsCount(); "


  " self.iNumMinorCivs = 0; "





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