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编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2016-08-24 10:47 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:游戏内的20个付费提示 mayorstip_body_1 = Pipes dont have to reach the bottom of an oil patch. Once connected, the oil pocket will be completely emptied. mayorstip_body_1 =管不需要达到一个油田的底部。



  mayorstip_body_1 = Pipes don’t have to reach the bottom of an oil patch. Once connected, the oil pocket will be completely emptied.

  mayorstip_body_1 =管不需要达到一个油田的底部。一旦连接,油袋将被完全清空。

  mayorstip_body_2 = Make sure to always pay a visit to Daphne’s saloon. The offers there change from year to year.

  mayorstip_body_2 =确保参观达芙妮轿车。提供每年有变化。

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