导语:黎明杀机官方线上问答开发内容整理, 《黎明杀机》是一款多人类型的恐怖游戏,由两类玩家分别扮演疯狂杀人魔和4个求生者来进行猫捉耗子的生存游戏。...
Developers addressing major issues - please read.
This is a text highlights from Devs Stream #6, where they talked about major issues and explained what are they up to.
You can watch the full thing here: https://secure.twitch.tv/deadbydaylight/v/74090047
Devs are serious. For 5 minutes.
Thanking the players. They're ridiculously greateful for your activity since the launch, it's crazy.
First thing - we're listening. Lots of data, lots of feedback. We also watch YouTube and Twitch.
Worst issue right now.
Caused by peoplel trying to play with friends.
We're working on Survive With Friends mod right now, which will allow you to play Ranked matches with your friends against a random Killer. It's coming. We want to say when, but there's no strict date right now. We're not being vague just for the sake of it, it's just a huge change to the matchmaking, a complicated issue, which requires a lot of testing.
This is about quitters, DCers, etc.
We already have the fixes ready for it in the next patch.
You won't lose Rank because of this, if you're the victim of someone leaving.
A punishment for quitters - if you quit, you lose the pip.
There will be a better matchmaking, based on your Rank.
Fixes are coming before the end of the season.
Fixes are gonna come when they're ready, as soon as possible.
Some of them coming in level design, map layout which will provide less exploits for survivors.
We've made some test in mechanics. and we're looking to make a change which allow Killer to have advantage in one situation and not so much in other.
You shouldn't feel safe in front of the Killer, so changes will be focused on that.
First of all, there will be BANS, there are no "safe cheats".
Second of all, cheats are packaged with viruses, if you download a trainer, you will get a malware with it. Just don't do it.
Anticheat system is learning, more cheats there is, the more system will adapt to them.
As soon as data is gathered, bans will come. Be sure of it.
Patches every week - that was the plan. But.
We had a patch ready to go earlier today, but it wasn't safe to publish, our tech specialist said.
It kills us as much as everytone else, but we rather release peoper updates, and there will be more patches coming, really soon.
We're transforming into the live division and we still have to manage the proccess of how to release updates properly. It will get better and more organized soon.
OP or not? We will react and adjust.
Some of them already changed.
The balance will get better.
Deluxe stuff is fixed, you should get the Artbook and Soundtrack now, if you bought the Deluxe edition.
Some stuff in Artbook is really cool and "secret", we didn't want to put some of it in there, but we did, cause you deserve it.
About PAYDAY 2 masks - some people didn't get them, StarBreeze are working to fix that.
1.5 million games played - it's about 100 years of ingame gameplay.
35 billion BloodPoints earned.
16123 mph (Murders per Hour)
More character customization is coming.
Female killer is a great idea.
Russia and other countries overboard are greatly appreciated for their support.
Keybinding is coming soon, we're working on it.
Console porting - it was never out of our plans. Not working on it right now, but it's something we're considering. BHVR has a lot of experience with porting games on consoles, but it takes time.
Will you buff the Flashlight? It's quite powerful in right hands. It's a coop tool, more beneficial to use to help someone.
New Survivors should come with their own unique Perks and customization items.
Wraith is not OP. He's fun and intense to play for, but not OP.
Will there be a timer in the match? No, but we will make it harder for people who do nothing.
Did the Wraith skip the leg day? Yes, yes he did.
这是一个文本的重点从开发者流# 6,他们谈的主要问题和解释他们是干什么的。
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