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编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2016-03-14 04:40 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:植物大战僵尸:花园战争2柜子对应地精位置表一览, 整个游戏变成了类似于《兽人必须死》的第三人称射击类防御型游戏,僵尸类型众多,有疯狂尖叫的逗比僵尸,有潇洒的明星僵尸,还有古怪的特殊僵尸。整个演示中...


  Instead of a million threads about this topic, let's put them all together in one place and work off each other's ideas to figure this puzzle out. Lots of speculation at the moment, but (like the golden gnome search thread) it made it so much easier have 50-100 people working on the problem rather than max of 4 in one party.

  If you're still looking for golden gnomes there's a video Here Thanks to /u/rebel181

  If you're not sure which ones you're missing I made this chart Here you go guys. Match it up with your's and then use the video to get your last few. Legend below. (A few errors, see comment from Steaky for where I put it in wrong)

  BB = Backyard Battleground

  Multiplayer Arena Maps

  ZP = Zen Peak

  BI = Boney Island

  SS = Sandy Sands

  C = Coliseum

  LL = Lunar Landing

  TP = Time Park

  ZT - Z-Tech Factory

  FC = Frosty Creek

  Gardens & GRAVeyards

  SoT = Seeds of Time

  GWN = Great White North

  Herbal Assault

  MB = Moon Base

  Z = Zomburbia








  Multiplayer Arena Maps多人游戏地图

  ZP = Zen Peak禅峰

  BI = Boney Island骸骨之岛

  SS = Sandy Sands沙漠

  C = Coliseum竞技场

  LL = Lunar Landing登月地点

  TP = Time Park时光公园

  ZT - Z-Tech Factory z科技工厂 (原作者可能因为打错了在图里显示的是ZF)

  FC = Frosty Creek冰霜小溪

  Gardens & Graveyards 花园墓地争夺战

  SoT = Seeds of Time 时间种子

  GWN = Great White North 雪白北方公园

  Herbal Assault 草系袭击

  MB = Moon Base 月球基地

  Z = Zomburbia




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