导语:辐射4游戏原声音乐OST分享, 《辐射4》为Bethesda开发的角色扮演游戏《辐射》系列第四部作品,开发团队为《上古卷轴5》原班人马。新作游戏中将会看到的物品、游戏玩法调整,人物创意以及...
本次原声碟将包含65首质量极高的曲目,由荣获多个奖项的作曲家Inon Zur完成
01. Fallout 4 Main Theme (03:03)
02. The Commonwealth (04:11)
03. Of Green and Grey (04:47)
04. Portal to the Past (03:38)
05. Standoff (02:13)
06. Combat Ready (02:03)
07. Deeper and Darker (03:46)
08. Wandering – The Blasted Forest, Pt. 1 (01:30)
09. Brightness Calling (04:59)
10. Of the People, for the People (05:02)
11. Hope Remains (04:20)
12. Wandering – The Blasted Forest, Pt. 2 (02:00)
13. Predator and Prey (02:07)
14. War in the Wastes (03:10)
15. Time to Die (02:14)
16. Uninvited (04:20)
17. Wandering – The City, Pt. 1 (02:56)
18. Rebuild, Renew (06:12)
19. Concrete Mysteries (04:24)
20. Tread Carefully (04:38)
21. The Infiltrator (02:24)
22. No Quarter (02:55)
23. Wandering – The City, Pt. 2 (02:29)
24. The Vigilant (03:37)
25. The Warlord (01:44)
26. Red Brick, Broken (04:23)
27. Lonely Walls (04:17)
28. Wandering – The City, Pt. 3 (03:52)
29. Regrouped, Reloaded (02:07)
30. V.A.T.S. or Die (02:20)
31. Wandering – The Foothills, Pt. 1 (03:53)
32. Darkness Falls (04:21)
33. War of Wills (03:21)
34. Wandering – The Foothills, Pt. 2 (02:22)
35. Only One Survives (02:07)
36. A Critical Chance (01:58)
37. Dust & Danger (03:22)
38. Liberty Lives (03:19)
39. Lost Boston (03:59)
40. Wandering- The Foothills, Pt. 3 (02:28)
41. Honor & Steel (04:16)
42. We Are Unstoppable (02:06)
43. Dominant Species (02:03)
44. Explore and Discover (04:30)
45. Wandering – The Glowing Sea, Pt. 1 (03:29)
46. The Stars My Solace (04:17)
47. Imagine Utopia (02:53)
48. Lone Wandering (04:25)
49. Wandering – The Glowing Sea, Pt. 2 (02:06)
50. The Last Mariner (05:25)
51. Echoes of the Dead (02:08)
52. Enough Is Enough (02:18)
53. Wandering – The Coast, Pt. 1 (01:55)
54. Humanity’s Hope (03:06)
55. Endless Ocean, Endless Dreams (05:34)
56. No Voices, No Cries (02:13)
57. Wandering – The Coast, Pt. 2 (03:57)
58. Covert Action (03:34)
59. Rise and Prevail (02:15)
60. No More Sails (04:21)
61. Wandering – The Coast, Pt. 3 (03:34)
62. In This Together (04:47)
63. Still Standing (04:03)
64. Science & Secrecy (03:58)
65. Fallout 4 Main Theme (‘Spinner’ Mix) (02:50)
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