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《凯之传奇:周年版》全主线支线任务剧情攻略 含角色、武器、道具介绍(10)

编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2015-07-30 08:27 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:Lost in Haze 主线任务 a 找到青蛙的城市和市长Gu Find the Frog City and call on Mayor Gu b 找出两个青蛙头护符碎片打开Froghead You need two parts of the Froghead Amulet to open the Froghead c 找到去鳄鱼

  Lost in Haze


  a 找到青蛙的城市和市长Gu

  Find the Frog City and call on Mayor Gu

  b 找出两个青蛙头护符碎片打开Froghead

  You need two parts of the Froghead Amulet to open the Froghead

  c 找到去鳄鱼神庙的钥匙

  Find the key for the Crocodile Temple

  d 找到8个青蛙卵

  Find the eight frog eegs

  e 找到三个招财猫,取得水底的青蛙头护符碎片(鳄鱼神庙内)

  Find the three Cat Statues to get the Froghead Amulet in the basin

  f 找出海龟护符打开门(海龟要塞内)

  Find the Turtle Amulet to open the door

  g 据传闻说Su Ling在Forsaken City,找到她(到达Forsaken City后完成)

  Su Ling is rumored to be in the Forsaken City, Find her

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