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编辑:瑞安网 来源:互联网 发表时间:2015-07-22 12:32 人气 | 查看所有评论

导语:地下城工会寻路系统规则解析攻略, 《地下城公会》是一款设定相当有趣的卡牌地下城游戏,玩家在游戏中并不是直接控制一个角色来进行游戏,而是做个默默无闻的幕后英雄,搭配包括敌人、物品、地...












  tomchick: I suspect I know what was up in the screenshot you posted. The previous turn you were in that room that now has the skeleton gold pouch in it, right? I'll explain what's happening here, but first I want to break down the dungeoneer AI for you.

  Firstly, it's all deterministic. There is zero randomness at play. Though there are a few gotchas that can seem odd like what happened to you there. We essentially look at every tile in the dungeon and score it for various things

  - distance (in steps not a line, prefer closer ones)

  - monsters (prefer monsters of same level, boss monsters even more so)

  - loot (likes loot, higher level loot even more so)

  - unexplored areas (prefers ones with the fog over them)

  Then we pick the best scoring one and head towards it (not always reachable this turn).

  In testing at some point in development we had a situation where your hero could get stuck in a loop of forever going back and forth between a corridor and a dead end room because they were too scared of the third connecting room which had a high level monster in it. Since there were no exits to build new rooms for them and because at the time you weren't allowed place down monsters on rooms that you had previously explored (a rule we've since taken out) you were basically stuck.

  At the time we solved this by adding a strong negative score to the room your hero has JUST been in. So that's what happened with your screenshot.

  Funnily enou




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