《时钟机关:黄昏时刻的境界线》全线路流程选项攻略 不同线路怎么选?(4)
导语:导语:鹿谷忧绪/Shishigatani Ushio 【LOAD02】 没什么别放在心上啦/Dont worry about it 遗品可能不知道我的房间在哪/It didnt know where my room is 我来当诱饵就好了吧/I just have to be a decoy 唔、脚好麻呀
导语:鹿谷忧绪/Shishigatani Ushio 【LOAD02】 没什么别放在心上啦/Dont worry about it 遗品可能不知道我的房间在哪/It didnt know where my room is 我来当诱饵就好了吧/I just have to be a decoy 唔、脚好麻呀!/Uu,
鹿谷忧绪/Shishigatani Ushio
没什么别放在心上啦/Don't worry about it
遗品可能不知道我的房间在哪/It didn't know where my room is
我来当诱饵就好了吧/I just have to be a decoy
唔、脚好麻呀!/Uu, my foot fell asleep!
你已经有朋友了吧!/You already have friends, don't you!?
*小霞说不定真的和遗品没有关系/Sumi-chan was completely unrelated to the Mist
*她到了晚上就要睡觉吧/Like how she slept during the night
·第五章/Chapter 5·
追赶白色披风/Chase the ghost
~有捡了什么类似遗品的东西吗?/Did you pick up anything resembling a Mist?
~那时候有个白色披风站在你旁边.../Someone in a white cloak was standing beside you...
~有在路上捡啥奇怪的东西吃吗?/Did you pick up something weird and eat it?
~昨天的事情你还记得吗?/Do you remember anything about yesterday?
~记忆从哪里开始断开的?/How much of your memories are missing?
~关于白色披风的事情/Ask about the figure in white
*或许夺取记忆正是犯人的目的/His goal was to steal their memories
*不见得吧/That's not necessarily the case
*有个东西可以大量消耗魔力/There is something that consumes lots of mana
*钥匙(雅努斯之匙)/Key (Key of Janus)
*已经因为代偿倒下了?/Is he already unconscious because of the compensation?
立刻前去救援/Run up to her immediately
*那是事故吧?/Was it an accident?
这是在求婚?/Are you proposing to me?
不可能放着不管吧/We couldn't leave you by yourself
忧绪 End。
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