导语:导语:Launching the mod 启动Mod You have to compile the mod into a .dll if you want it to be launched by Hackmore ! Click on Generate Solution (Ctrl-Maj-B or Generate Generate Solution) to compile yo
导语:Launching the mod 启动Mod You have to compile the mod into a .dll if you want it to be launched by Hackmore ! Click on Generate Solution (Ctrl-Maj-B or Generate Generate Solution) to compile your mod
Launching the mod 启动Mod
You have to compile the mod into a .dll if you want it to be launched by Hackmore !
Click on "Generate Solution" (Ctrl-Maj-B or Generate > Generate Solution) to compile your mod and all dependencies.
PS : Debug is on by default, it's not an issue.
Then go to your project's folder, bin folder, and you'll see two folders: Debug and Release.
Go inside Debug (if you compiled in Debug mode) or Release (if you compiled in Release mode), and copy your GuideMod.dll to the Mods folder of your Hacknet installation.
You might have to unblock your .dll by going into properties and uncheck "Block".
If Hackmore is well installed, you should be able to go inside the terminal, and type "test" inside the terminal !
Thanks for following this tutorial !
然后转到你的项目文件夹下的bin文件夹,你会看到两个文件夹:Debug文件夹和 Release文件夹。
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