导语:盛大授权《传奇世界》改编游戏遭苹果商店下架 Games Adapted from Shandas Chuanqi World (传奇世界) Removed from Apple Store. 《热血传奇》 著作权不容侵犯 Wemade adopts Zero Tolerance Policy on Copyright Infringement of The Legend of MIR II (
导语:盛大授权《传奇世界》改编游戏遭苹果商店下架 Games Adapted from Shandas Chuanqi World (传奇世界) Removed from Apple Store. 《热血传奇》 著作权不容侵犯 Wemade adopts Zero Tolerance Policy on Copyright Infringement of The Legend of MIR II (
Games Adapted from Shanda’s Chuanqi World (传奇世界) Removed from Apple Store.
《热血传奇》 著作权不容侵犯
Wemade adopts Zero Tolerance Policy on Copyright Infringement of The Legend of MIR II (热血传奇)
On April 25, 2017, as claimed by Wemade Entertainment Co., Ltd. (“Wemade”), Apple Store removed a mobile game adapted from “Chuanqi World” (《传奇世界》 in Chinese), named “Chuan Qi Zhan Yu 3D” (《传奇战域3D》in Chinese).
在娱美德的投诉过程中,侵权方向苹果公司提供了所谓的盛大授权文件。文件显示,2017年2月10日,盛绩信息技术(上海)有限公司(“盛绩信息 ”)授权无锡常用网络科技有限公司(“无锡常用 ”)基于《传奇世界》开发一款名为“传奇战域”的手机游戏,并授权无锡常用发行、运营、宣传和推广该手机游戏。
In the process of Wemade’s complaint, the infringer provided “Shanda authorization documents” to Apple, according to which, on February 10, 2017, Shengji Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (“Sheng Ji”, “盛绩信息技术(上海)有限公司” in Chinese) authorized Wuxi Chang Yong Network Technology Co., Ltd. (“Chang Yong”, “无锡常用网络科技有限公司” in Chinese) to develop a mobile game named “Chuan Qi Zhan Yu” based on the game “Chuanqi World” (《传奇世界》), and Chuang Yong was also authorized to publish, operate, advertise and promote that mobile game.
However, Wemade submitted detailed game comparison documents to Apple Store to prove that “Chuan Qi Zhan Yu 3D” (《传奇战域3D》) is highly similar with “The Legend of MIR II” (《热血传奇》in Chinese). According to the PRC Copyright Law as well as its judicial practice, any “Chuanqi World” (《传奇世界》) adapted games must not infringe the copyright of “The Legend of MIR II” as well. Therefore the infringing game “Chuan Qi Zhan Yu 3D” (《传奇战域3D》) has been removed from Apple Store, which shows Apple’s acceptance of Wemade’s claims.
In fact, Wemade is the developer of the game “The Legend of MIR II” (《热血传奇》), and it has ownership for its related IP rights. The PC client online game “Chuanqi World” (《传奇世界》) was “self-developed” by Shanda in the year 2002 taking advantage of Shanda’s position as the sole licensee for the PC client online game “The Legend of MIR II” (《热血传奇》) in China. However, “Chuanqi World” (《传奇世界》) is identical or highly similar with “The Legend of MIR II” (《热血传奇》) in almost all aspects including professions of characters, skills and attributes, scene settings, properties, possessions, accessories, monsters, NPC, parameters, etc. In 2003, Wemade brought a civil litigation against Shanda regarding “Chuanqi World” (《传奇世界》) claiming for copyright infringement and unfair competition before Beijing Frist Intermediate People’s Court IP Tribunal, and both parties reached a settlement in 2007. However, Wemade did not agree that Shanda could adapt or authorize others to adapt any other games based on the disputed PC client online game “Chuanqi World” (《传奇世界》).
Considering the fact that the game “Chuanqi World” (《传奇世界》) is identical or highly similar with the game “The Legend of MIR II” (《热血传奇》), any new games adapted from the game “Chuanqi World” (《传奇世界》) would be unavoidably similar with the game “The Legend of MIR II” (《热血传奇》). It would unavoidably infringe the copyright of “The Legend of MIR II” (《热血传奇》) if any infringing game uses the original elements of “The Legend of MIR II” (《热血传奇》), including but not limited to professions of characters, skills and attributes, scene settings, properties, possessions, accessories, monsters, NPC, parameters, siege battle, etc. Wemade would make all efforts to take actions against such infringements in order to protect Wemade’s legal rights.
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